Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Day 77
157 Days Remaining

Crikey it's going fast!! Time that is!!!

Looking more like a steam boiler than a sailboat, 
the Blackbird is starting to take shape

Having been chastised publicly by my old pal Tom, I have sat back in front of the computer to write where I am up to...  I don't want to let the project slip - every second on the water between launching and Race 1 will be valuable, but it has been a really busy couple of weeks with the firm, teaching, out seeing clients and driving all over the country leaves little time for carbon fettling. I am thankful that it is busy because Christmas is very quiet, but work has to come in front of my own projects... That's life in a blue suit as they say in the Navy.

Well, where am I up to... I have stabilised at 73Kg and slimmer than I've been for ages.  I'm out running again after tweaking a calf muscle, and I'm about to hit the bike for half an hour....
As for the boat... well after a week or so of delays cos of work, things are happening pretty quick... Rig collected from Rob's place last week, vang take off and fwd wing bar sockets in and secondary bonded, and as you can see from the picture, the tubes for the control lines and elastics for the bow are all in...  In a day or two's time I'll put up the picture of the way this looks when it has been fettled and tidied up.  The control tubes are from port to starboard, Manual Override & Bias Control, Push Rod, Wand Length Control.

Gotta run.. Or cycle in fact!

More on Thursday.