Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Day 36
Days remaining: 198.  1st January 2014

New Years Day - Not that quiet at Blackbird HQ.

I woke up this morning and it is of course New Years Day... I wish all my moth sailing mates all over the World, and you dear reader of course, a happy and prosperous 2014 and I truly hope that if you are a mothy, you are starting to get excited about the Worlds, now less than 200 days away...

Bit of a private party at the Blackbird HQ last night making 2014 start with a bang, but that's enough of my private life!  January is always a dry month for me. Usually, only so I appreciate a good glass of wine better ;-), but this year, I'm actually looking forward to it.... I put on under one Kilo over the holidays and still closing in on my target on my chart.... Result!

My resolution this year is that every day the boat will get quicker and I will get fitter.... and remember, every day that I am developing the Blackbird, or doing some daft Pilates stretch, or running/cycling/swimming my 46 Summers old frame around the local bridleways.. Every step, every crazy idea, every drip of sweat, I am focussing on making the boat+me package faster around the track on Race 1 (through however many) at the Worlds in July.... I'm not rattling my sabre, indeed this is a friendly statement... Some of you are a long way ahead of me on pace, some of you are going to be the same speed as me, and some of you will be behind me... Every day I try something totally crazy on the lake, or in the workshop... Or come in from running to load my washing machine with my mud covered running kit, and scrub my trainers ready for the next day's torture, I am doing it to catch you, to overtake you, to leave you further in my wake.... So Thank You for being there, every step of my lonely cold dark slog, wherever you think you are in that imaginary running order, you are my target, my prey, my motivation.

Happy New Year.  198 days to go.  Lots of boat work to do to right now, but I don't go back to work til the 6th and that is 5 solid days of graft away - and some muddy runs of course...

Catch me later!

D :-)

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