Sunday, 5 January 2014

Day 40
Days Remaining: 194

Sunday 5th January

Moth Building.  The 1000 piece jigsaw without a picture.

Find the corners first - then it's a doddle. Yeah, right!

I was explaining to a friend of mine the other day, what it is like to build a moth.  One design boats have class rules that provide tight specifications - the picture on the box is pretty clear and the instruction easy. Make the puzzle like the box - all the bits are there, and they fit perfectly.  Moths are different.  11ft, x 7'4" x 8sqm... No cats, no cheating the RRS... Go! No picture on the box, no instructions, no idea how many pieces, no clear idea of where they all go or how they are joined and.... and in the end all you have is some parameters thanks to Reynolds numbers, density, UTS and Modulus of materials and your own wits.. oh and then when you have figured it out you need to have the skill and patience to put it together... In your kitchen....

I say no picture - you do kind of know what it should look like if you look at what's out there, and for that you have the current cream of the crop....
The Rocket looks awesome - the product of nearly 10 years of fascination with all things carbon on water and a big heap of left field, off the wall, tea fuelled "why not?"  Maybe its the Bristol connection? The home of Brunel et al, Bae at Filton where they were building string-bag fighter aircraft for WW1 and went on to build all sorts of fast jets and commercial aircraft.  Rolls Royce's very own Skunkworks for engine design was also at Filton...  Add a bit of Nick Park's Wallis and Grommit design style - again all products of the region and you'll be getting the idea! What is for sure though, Cookie's boats have some real pace and work very well..... and they have a wand on a sprit a full 500mm in front of everyone else's and I think I am right in saying the longest foil platform (distance between main and rudder foils). Gotta be quick.  Genius.

The Exocet looks like it was designed by Pininfarina with the numbers crunched at Bletchley Park and then the drawings taken in a velvet lined oak portmanteaux to Gaydon where gentlemen in white coats smoked pipes and carved the thing from the finest walnut and cherry they could lay their perfectly manicured hands on.  If you have to look up who they were, what they did and still do at those places, you're sailing the wrong boat. Go and buy a Laser.  It is exquisite to look at... If Ian Flemming had ever written his heroic assassin into a sailboat race, he'd have turned up with an Exocet. With Union Jack trampolines. Except I have to say that being a Naval man, he wouldn't though would he... because Flemming/Bond might, like me, find the name abhorrent and that it reminds him too much of the horrors of the Falklands War and in particular the loss of the British sailors and airmen of the Royal Navy on HMS Sheffield, Atlantic Conveyor and closest to my heart, HMS Glamorgan, which came under attack from an Excocet and was turned to head away from the missile, presenting the smallest target and saving the ship, but killing virtually all of the maintainers and aircrew of the ships flight when first the missile exploded and then the fully armed and fuelled Wessex aircraft ranged on the flight deck turned into an exploding fireball.   Jus'so you know the full story.
What next? Name a brilliant and ground breaking chain of kiddies play centres 'Auschwitz'?

Then or firstly perhaps, there's the Mach 2. If Bond sailed (name change pending) an Exocet, then Darth Vader, Batman, Jason Borne, Bora Gulari or any other hero or anti hero you could name would sail the M2... Except, instead of it being specially made and monogrammed and handed over by a man in a white coat called 'Q', they would get one from a vending machine on a street corner.  It is awesome yet it's brilliance is it is so brilliantly universal. A platform to base multiple upgrades on... Such a fantastic concept. On V6 of the foils and want to go a little faster, Sir? And you weigh 77kg you say? Oh well you need the V7.2 foils and while you're at it, how about the new Mode 3 Ka21 sail on a M65J 30mm 3 piece mast....? Fancy a colour change too? That boat will be winning championships when I am getting reprimanded for pinching the arses of the nurses at my retirement home...!   (Stop Press_ Now I really don't have an inside steer on this, but I have noticed a particularly well decorated British Mothie who might have had a hand in the M2 made a trip to Oz recently, and I listened (or read maybe) with interest the Jedi Lord AMac saying he was working on the aeropackage and a 'sort of wing'... or did I dream that? Maybe the Blackbird will be late to join the Mach 3 party? Good job it's set at M3.3!)

SO, I kind of have a picture on the front of the box - it's got to be as well set up, bomb proof and easy to adjust as the M2, it's got to be faster than that Exco mainly because true British pride is a stake, and it has to be as forward thinking as the Rocket, because otherwise it will be out of date before its maiden sail.... and like all moths it has to look fantastic, even when it's in it's box and flying to somewhere sunny where the water is blue and the sun is hot and the breeze is 15 knots all day and the beer is cold and girls are....................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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